The reaction between calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide and aluminate solution with heavy soda was studied.
互联网Hydrated Lime , Quicklime , Calcium Hydroxide, Calcium Oxide, Calcium Carbonate, Refractory Products Chemical Supplies.
采购产品使成水化合物石灰, 生石灰,消石灰, 氧化钙, 碳酸钙, 化学品.
互联网Calcium oxide can neutralize peptic acid better than calcium carbonate.
互联网Carbothermic reduction of zinc sulfide in the presence of lithium carbonate and calcium oxide analysis ( TGA ).
本文探讨 碳酸 锂与氧化钙存在下的硫化锌碳热还原反应.
互联网The melting characteristic of ore fines with calcium oxide during reaction is investigated.
互联网A rare plagioclase feldspar with high calcium oxide content occurring in igneous rocks.
互联网The Calcium Oxide is used to mix oxygen with the steel.
互联网This paper discussed the preparation of calcium peroxide from calcium oxide and peroxide at normal temperature.
互联网Using 1 % calcium oxide has more single caffeine production rate, extraction rate and purity.
1%氧化钙水溶液单纯提取咖啡因的得率 、 提取率和纯度较高.
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